Convert Currencies
Basic Convert
In order to convert currencies to each other in controllers or services, we have two approaches:
Method 1: service method
import { CashifyService } from 'nestjs-cashify';
constructor(private cashifyService: CashifyService) {
const result = this.cashifyService.convert(10, {from: 'EUR', to: 'GBP'});
Method 2: injecting instance of cashify class
Note: Since this module is based on nodejs cashify library, in case there can be more methods added to the core library, you can inject the instance and use it as following:
import { Cashify } from 'cashify';
import { CASHIFY } from 'nestjs-cashify';
constructor(@Inject(CASHIFY) private cashify: Cashify) {
const result2 = this.cashify.convert(10, {from: 'EUR', to: 'GBP'});